Guide for migrating to version 7

API renaming


The information is relevant only for Swift.

  • Renamed the YMAAdInfo class to AdInfo.
  • Renamed the YMAAdRequest class to AdRequest.
  • Renamed the YMAAdRequestConfiguration class to AdRequestConfiguration.
  • Renamed the YMAAdRequestError class to AdRequestError.
  • Renamed the YMAAdSize class to AdSize.
  • Renamed the YMAAdView class to AdView.
  • Renamed the YMAAppOpenAd class to AppOpenAd.
  • Renamed the YMAAppOpenAdLoader class to AppOpenAdLoader.
  • Renamed the YMAAudioSessionManager class to AudioSessionManager.
  • Renamed the YMABannerAdSize class to BannerAdSize.
  • Renamed the YMABidderTokenLoader class to BidderTokenLoader.
    • Removed the loadBidderTokenWithCompletionHandler: class. Use the loadBidderTokenWithRequestConfiguration:completionHandler: method.
  • Renamed the YMABidderTokenRequestConfiguration class to BidderTokenRequestConfiguration.
  • Renamed the YMAButtonAppearance class to ButtonAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMADeviceType class to DeviceType.
  • Renamed the YMAImageAppearance class to ImageAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAInterstitialAd class to InterstitialAd.
  • Renamed the YMAInterstitialAdLoader class to InterstitialAdLoader.
  • Renamed the YMALabelAppearance class to LabelAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMobileAds class to MobileAds.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableAdRequest class to MutableAdRequest.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableAdRequestConfiguration class to MutableAdRequestConfiguration.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableButtonAppearance class to MutableButtonAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableImageAppearance class to MutableImageAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableLabelAppearance class to MutableLabelAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableNativeAdRequestConfiguration class to MutableNativeAdRequestConfiguration.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableNativeTemplateAppearance class to MutableNativeTemplateAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableRatingAppearance class to MutableRatingAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMAMutableSizeConstraint class to MutableSizeConstraint.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdAssets class to NativeAdAssets.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdImage class to NativeAdImage.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdLoader class to NativeAdLoader.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdMedia class to NativeAdMedia.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdRequestConfiguration class to NativeAdRequestConfiguration.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdVideoController class to NativeAdVideoController.
  • Renamed the YMANativeBannerView class to NativeBannerView.
  • Renamed the YMANativeBulkAdLoader class to NativeBulkAdLoader.
  • Renamed the YMANativeTemplateAppearance class to NativeTemplateAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMANativeVideoPlaybackControls class to NativeVideoPlaybackControls.
  • Renamed the YMARatingAppearance class to RatingAppearance.
  • Renamed the YMARewardedAd class to RewardedAd.
  • Renamed the YMARewardedAdLoader class to RewardedAdLoader.
  • Renamed the YMASizeConstraint class to SizeConstraint.
  • Renamed the YMAVersion class to Version.
  • Renamed the YMAVideoController class to VideoController.
  • Renamed the YMAAdErrorCode enumeration to AdErrorCode.
  • Renamed the YMAAdTheme enumeration to AdTheme.
  • Renamed the YMAAdType enumeration to AdType.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdType enumeration to NativeAdType.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdErrorCode enumeration to NativeAdErrorCode.
  • Renamed the YMASizeConstraintType enumeration to SizeConstraintType.
  • Renamed the YMAAdViewDelegate protocol to AdViewDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAAppOpenAdDelegate protocol to AppOpenAdDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAAppOpenAdLoaderDelegate protocol to AppOpenAdLoaderDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAAudioSessionManagerDelegate protocol to AudioSessionManagerDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAImpressionData protocol to ImpressionData.
  • Renamed the YMAInterstitialAdDelegate protocol to InterstitialAdDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAInterstitialAdLoaderDelegate protocol to InterstitialAdLoaderDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAd protocol to NativeAd.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdDelegate protocol to NativeAdDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdImageLoadingObserver protocol to NativeAdImageLoadingObserver.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdLoaderDelegate protocol to NativeAdLoaderDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMANativeAdVideoControllerProvider protocol to NativeAdVideoControllerProvider.
  • Renamed the YMANativeBulkAdLoaderDelegate protocol to NativeBulkAdLoaderDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMANativeVideoControlsCustomizable protocol to NativeVideoControlsCustomizable.
  • Renamed the YMANativeVideoPlaybackMuteControl protocol to NativeVideoPlaybackMuteControl.
  • Renamed the YMANativeVideoPlaybackMuteControlDelegate protocol to NativeVideoPlaybackMuteControlDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMANativeVideoPlaybackProgressControl protocol to NativeVideoPlaybackProgressControl.
  • Renamed the YMARating protocol to Rating.
  • Renamed the YMAReward protocol to Reward.
  • Renamed the YMARewardedAdDelegate protocol to RewardedAdDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMARewardedAdLoaderDelegate protocol to RewardedAdLoaderDelegate.
  • Renamed the YMAVideoDelegate protocol to VideoDelegate.