Enabling Liftoff (ex. Vungle)

Supported library and platform versions

Yandex Mobile Ads SDK:

  • The minimum supported version of the 7.5.1
  • The current version of the 7.5.1
  • The maximum supported version of the 7.5.2 (not including)

Liftoff SDK:

  • The minimum supported version of the 7.4.1
  • The current version of the 7.4.1
  • The maximum supported version of the 7.4.2 (not including)

Version history

Supported ad formats



To track app installations in mobile mediation you need to configure Info.plist for the adapter. Follow the ad network documentation.

To work with Liftoff (ex. Vungle), add the VungleYandexMobileAdsAdapters library.

The VungleYandexMobileAdsAdapters library has been adapted to work with the CocoaPods dependency management system and support static integration.

  1. Configure mediation in the YAN Partner interface and your advertising network account.

  2. To connect the library, add the dependency to the project's Podfile:

    pod 'VungleYandexMobileAdsAdapters', ''