Debug Panel
Debug Panel is a set of tools for testing ad integration, designed to speed up Yandex mediation integration and ad launch. The panel is available as a separate interface where you can test various use cases.
Getting started
- Install and run Mobile Ads SDK 7.0.0/7.4.0 (Android)/(iOS) or higher.
- Call the
method to display the Debug Panel.
More about the Debug Panel
The Debug Panel contains sections with different information, statuses, and additional functions, such as:
- App info.
- SDK integration.
- Mediation adapter integration.
- User privacy settings.
- Additional functions.
- Creating a report with integration errors.
If an integration issue is detected, you'll see the icon in the respective asset line. Click it to learn more.
The Debug Panel contains sections with different information, statuses, and additional functions, such as:
- App info.
- SDK integration.
- Mediation adapter integration.
- User privacy settings.
- Additional functions.
If an integration issue is detected, you'll see the icon in the respective asset line. Click it to learn more.
App info
This section displays the current information about your app:
- Application ID.
- The app version.
- Operating system.
- Android API level.
This section displays the current information about your app:
- Application ID.
- The app version.
- Operating system.
SDK integration
This section displays the current information about the Mobile Ads SDK integration:
- SDK version: Mobile Ads SDK version installed.
- SDK integration status.
Mediation adapter integration
The section is divided into three subsections: successfully integrated adapters, adapters with integration errors, and adapters that haven't been integrated.
The section displays the following details for each adapter:
- Advertising network logo.
- Mediation network SDK version.
- Current adapter version.
- Latest adapter version available.
User privacy settings
This section displays the current information about the privacy settings:
- Age Restricted User.
- Location Consent.
- User Consent.
- TCF Consent.
This section displays the current information about the privacy settings:
- Location Consent.
- User Consent.
- TCF Consent.
Additional functions
This section shows what additional functions are available and their status:
Debug Error Indicator: Indicator of correct ad integration. You can enable this function without calling any method from the code.
Using this indicator, you can find out whether the ad integration was successful. If not, you can get debug info describing the issue cause.
Report with integration errors
If the integration process ends with an error and you need troubleshooting recommendations, you can generate a report and send it to the support team.
- At the top right of the Debug Panel, click
- Once you click it for the first time, you'll see a dialog with a log collection request. Confirm the log collection.
- Reproduce the error again. The logs will now be included in the report.
- Open the Debug Panel. Click the button in the top-right corner once again and save the report to a file.
- Send the report to the support team.