Adding an app

In the Yandex Advertising Network interface, you can add and monetize apps from App Store, Google Play and other stores.

Add an app

  1. In the main menu, go to Ads in apps → Applications. This opens a page with a list of apps. Click New app in the upper-right corner.

  2. Find your app by the link, name, or package in the official Google Play or App Store and click Add.

    How it looks in the interface

Once you've done this, the app will be automatically submitted for moderation and a page to confirm access to the app will open.

The moderation process doesn't take more than two days. During this time, you can create and connect ad units, but ad impressions will only start after moderation and access to the app is confirmed.

For more information about app statuses, testing and settings see App statuses section.

In the Yandex Advertising Network interface, you can add apps from the following stores:

  • Huawei AppGallery
  • Xiaomi (
  • Samsung Galaxy Store
  • Amazon Appstore
  • NashStore
  • RuStore


To add an app from another store not specified in the list, contact support.

To add an app from these stores:

  1. In the main menu, go to Ads in apps → Applications. This opens a page with a list of apps. Click New app in the upper-right corner.

  2. Under the search bar, click The app is published in another store.

    How it looks in the interface

  3. Fill in the following fields in the window that opens:

    • App Store: Select the store where the app is published.
    • App name: Enter the app name to be used in the Yandex Advertising Network interface.
    • Package name: Specify the app package name (a string that looks similar to com.example.myapplication and is defined in the app configuration).
    • App link: Add a link to the app in the store.
    • Developer: Specify the name of the app developer as it's specified in the store (if available).
  4. Click Add.


Loading app icons is temporarily not supported.

Once you've done this, the app will be automatically submitted for moderation and a page to confirm access to the app will open.

The moderation process doesn't take more than two days. During this time, you can create and connect ad units, but ad impressions will only start after moderation and access to the app is confirmed.

For more information about app statuses, testing and settings see App statuses section.

  1. In the main menu, go to Ads in apps → Applications. This opens a page with a list of apps. Click New app in the upper-right corner.

  2. Under the search bar, click My app is not published.

    How it looks in the interface

  3. Select the platform and specify the name of the app in the Yandex Advertising Network interface. Click New app.

This will open a page where you can create an ad unit. You can create an ad unit immediately or exit: the app has already been added. After the app is added, it's assigned the Test mode status.

After publishing the app, add a link to it in the official App Store or Google Play, or enter the app data from another store. When the changes are saved, the app will be automatically submitted for moderation and a page to confirm access to the app will open.

In test mode, you can create, connect ad units, and also start ad impressions. You do not receive any remuneration for such impressions. Real ad impressions will start after the app passes moderation and you confirm access to it.

For more information about app statuses, testing and settings see App statuses section.


To display InStream ads, additionally send a request to the support service. Learn more in the InStream ads section.

Confirm access to the app

After the app is added, you need to confirm access to it. The developer's contact details (email or site) specified in the app store are used to confirm access. If the developer's email address or site are not specified in the store, add them.


If there are no special fields for the site and email, you can add them to the app description.

After fill out the developer's contact details, go back to the Yandex Advertising Network interface to confirm access. Select the confirmation method:

Via a unique code

You will receive a special confirmation code at the email address specified in the store:

  1. Click Send the code.
  2. Open the email account specified in the store and find the email with the code from the Yandex Advertising Network.
  3. Go back to the Yandex Advertising Network interface and enter the code in the field.
  4. Click Confirm.

If you haven't received the email, check the “Spam” folder or click Send the code again.

Via app-ads.txt

In this case, access is confirmed using the developer's site specified in the store:

  • If there is no app-ads.txt:

    1. Download app-ads.txt from the Yandex Advertising Network interface.
    2. Upload app-ads.txt to the root directory of the developer's site. A root directory is the folder that follows the top-level domain (such as
    3. Go back to the Yandex Advertising Network interface and click Send for verification.
  • If app-ads.txt has already been published:

    1. Download app-ads.txt from the Yandex Advertising Network interface.
    2. Copy all the lines from the downloaded file and add them to the app-ads.txt that has already been published.
    3. Go back to the Yandex Advertising Network interface and click Send for verification.


If the data is specified in the store, but it is not displayed in the Yandex Advertising Network interface, contact support to confirm access to the app.

App moderation

The mobile app moderation process usually takes no more than two days. However, it can take longer in some rare cases. After moderation is complete, you'll see a message about the results on Notifications tab in the Yandex Advertising Network interface. If the app passes moderation, its status changes to Active.

How it looks in the interface

If your app fails moderation, its status will change, and you'll see the rejection reason.

How it looks in the interface

What should I do if the app was rejected?
  1. Read the reasons for rejection.

  2. Fix the technical problems if necessary.

  3. Apply for re-moderation:

    1. Go to Ads in apps → Applications.
    2. Click View next to the desired resource in the list.
    3. Click Actions → Send to moderation.

Learn more about possible rejection and re-moderation in App moderation.

Contact support