App statuses

App moderation

After the app is created, it's assigned a unique identifier (app ID) and is automatically submitted for moderation with the Pending review status. Moderation doesn't take more than two days. During this time, you can create and integrate ad units, but you get no remuneration for impressions in these units.

Once your app passes moderation, its status will change to Active.

How it looks in the interface


If the app hasn't been published yet, it appears in the Yandex Advertising Network interface with the Testing status after creation. After publishing the app, add a link to it in the official App Store or Google Play, or enter the app data from another store. The app will be automatically submitted for moderation.

If your app fails moderation, its status will change, and you'll see the rejection reason.

Test the app

“Active” status

To see how the ad will look in your app, enable a banner or an interstitial ad unit in Yandex Mobile Ads SDK using demo Ad Unit Ids:

Test units will start to display, but no remuneration will be accrued.

“Pending review” or “Testing” statuses

If the app has the Testing or Pending review statuses, you can create ad units and immediately integrate them into the app. Test ads impressions will start, but no remuneration will be accrued. Real ad impressions will start after the app passes moderation and you confirm access to it (its status changes to Active).

How it looks in the interface

Suspending and deleting an app

To stop displaying all ad units in the app, click Stop on the app page. To resume impressions, click Actions → Start.

You can archive the app in which you no longer plan to display ads:

  1. Open the app page.

  2. Click Stop.

    How it looks in the interface

  3. Then click Actions → Archive.

    How it looks in the interface

You can restore archived apps on the page with the list of apps: go to Ads in apps, find the archived app using the status filter, and click Restore.

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