Dashboard and statistics widgets

The dashboard is the home page of the Yandex Advertising Network interface. It is the first thing that the user sees after logging in or clicking on the first menu item. The dashboard can contain different kinds of widgets:

  • “My income” widget: A widget with information about your revenue.
  • Statistics widgets: You configure their display yourself.
  • Information widgets: Text widgets with training materials, news, and other important messages from the Yandex Advertising Network.

“My income” widget

Widget data is generated based on statistics and is only available to resource owners. For users with the Partner's assistant role, the revenue for a resource that they don't own will always be zero.

By default, the data is displayed in the payment currency. You can select a different currency at the top right of the widget.


All currency amounts are calculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia as of the immediate date.

The widget contains basic information about your revenue:

  • Revenue for the current day.

  • Revenue for yesterday.

  • Revenue for the current calendar month.

  • Balance as of the last day of the previous month: Accumulated and payable (provided the payment threshold has been reached) revenue as of the last day of the previous month. The balance amount may slightly change due to statistical adjustments. Starting March 1, 2024, the balance amount in the payment currency is calculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia as of the immediate date.

    The balance can have the following statuses:

    • The threshold has not been reached: The status is displayed if your total accumulated revenue didn't reach the payment threshold last month. In this case, this revenue is added to the revenue of the following months until the total revenue amount reaches the threshold.
    • Payment preparing: This status is displayed from the first day of the current month until the payment is made, provided your revenue reached the payment threshold last month.
    • Paid: This status is displayed as soon as your money is paid out and until the end of the current month. The time it makes for the money to be credited to your account depends on the bank or payment system.

    The balance amount displayed in the widget stays relevant for a maximum of two years since the beginning of the billing period.

  • The amount of the last successful payment and that of all upcoming payments. The amount of the last successful payment is not displayed if the payout period exceeds two years.

If invalid impressions are detected, the amounts in the widget may change.


The balance in the widget is given before taxes. If you are registered in the Yandex Advertising Network as an individual resident of the Russian Federation, the Personal Income Tax will be deducted from the balance amount upon payout.

For more information about thresholds and payouts, see Participation rules, documents, and payments.

Statistical widgets

You can add a dashboard widget that displays any statistical report of your choosing, such as  remuneration earned over a selected period. The widget can be saved as a graph or table.

You can add a widget on the Statistics tab or from the dashboard page (to do this, click Create statistical widget). In the window that opens:

  1. Build a report based on a template or create one from scratch.
  2. Click Add to dashboard and select your widget type: chart or table.

If you delete a report from the saved reports list, its widget will disappear from the dashboard.

Editing widgets

Click on the Set up a dashboard link in the upper part of the screen to:

  • Change the positions of widgets on the dashboard.
  • Select the widget area as a percentage (to place two widgets side by side).
  • Delete widgets that you no longer need.

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