Key statistical metrics

The metrics you should pay attention to when analyzing advertising revenue can be divided into basic, analytical, and monetary.


The main quantitative metrics of an ad unit:

  • Requests: The number of valid calls of the ad code on the site.
  • Served impressions: The number of events when the Yandex Advertising Network served an impression in response to a request. A served impression does not mean the ad was displayed on your resource. This means only that the Yandex Advertising Network found an ad that meets the impression criteria, such as the cost floor or category restrictions.
  • Impressions, Viewable impressions: The number of impressions in which at least one pixel of the ad unit was in the viewable area of the screen.
  • Clicks (Yandex Direct): The number of clicks on Yandex Direct ads.

The partner is paid only for viewable ad unit impressions.


Analytical metrics help identify problems when displaying ads.

  • Fill rate: The percentage ratio of served impressions to ad requests.
  • Show rate: The percentage ratio of impressions to served impressions.
  • Show rate (viewable): The percentage ratio of viewable impressions to served impressions.

To maximize your advertising revenue, these metrics should be close to 100%.

A low fill rate means there were problems when requesting and serving ads, for example:

  • The network couldn't serve ads because of various restrictions, such as a high CPM floor, geography, or category.
  • Technical errors occurred when calling the ad.

A low show rate and low percentage of viewable impressions might mean that the user did not see the ad unit for some reason.


  • RPM: The cost per one thousand requests of all ad units, including those for which no impressions were served. It is calculated using the following formula:


  • eCPM Served: The cost of one thousand served impressions. It is calculated using the following formula:

    revenueserved impressions×1000\frac{\text{revenue}}{\text{served impressions}×1000}

  • eCPMCPMV: The cost of one thousand ad unit impressions in which at least one pixel of the ad unit was in the viewable area of the screen. It is calculated using the following formula:



    In the statistics for the periods before July 10, 2024, the CPMV metric is calculated as the cost per one thousand viewable ad unit impressions. An impression is considered viewable if at least 50% of the ad unit area was in the viewable area of the screen for at least two seconds.

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